Wednesday 19 December 2012

One week till Christmas!!

There is one week till Christmas. Claudia is sooo exicted .  I have most of my gifts done. I just need to pice together a blanket, I have 1.25 balls of yarn till a 2nd blanket to go. I want to do a hat and a pair of mitts for my nephew, and a hat for my 2nd nephew. I have never knit a hat for a toddler before so I am a bit nervous about that.

I hope every one has a Merry Christmas.  If you celabrate Hanukkah I hope it was a good one.  Happy Kwanzza.

What are your Holiday plans???

Sunday 28 October 2012


We went to pumpkinville last Saturday. It was kinda cheese for Charlie and I, but Claudia  She got a fire woman hat and got to sit in a firetruck.

We sat through part of a Shreck show.

And we went on a horse drawn wagon ride

Claudia got a doggy balloon before going on the wagon.  It started getting cold so we headed home after this.

Thursday 18 October 2012


Some knitting works in progress, and a finished object or four.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Loong time, no post...

It has been a long while since I last posted.  My computer crashed and my brother has had it for the last 4 months.  I find it hard to use my phone to blog so I haven't posted.

Hard to believe Claudia is getting so big.  She turned 3 on the 30th of September.  Where did the time go.  It feels like I just brought  her home from the hospital.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Green River Revival

We went to see a CCR triburte band tonight. They are called Green River Revival. They were pretty good. We had fun listening to them. Claudia enjoyed standing in my lap dancing.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Happy Canada Day!!!

It is Canada Day here. My boyfriend, daughter and I went to a bbq/event at a church down the street from us. Claudia had lots of fun playing the games. We also got to see an iltionest and fireworks.

Friday 1 June 2012


Muno half done.
I was looking up patterns on a crafting website called Ravelry, I came across a pattern of Muno. My daughter pointed to it and said "my muno."  I asked her if she wanted a muno and she said yes. I saved the pattern thinking I would make it for her birthday or Christmas. The next day she comes to me and asks "My Muno??" She wanted the muno sooner then later, so I started it for her.  I got half way through it before she started asking for it again.   I got the legs done and stuffed the next day and she started carting it she gave it up long enough for  me to put the eye and mouth on it.  She fell asleep with it last night.  I got the arms done today and stuffed them and attached them.  She came up to me at some point today and told me she liked her Muno and that she loves me for making it for her.

Monday 21 May 2012

Sun burnt!!!!

Went and spent the afternoon at the lake. My boyfriend Charlie put Claudia in the wagon and walked down to the lake. We brought a lunch with us. It was an enjoyable afternoon. We all got sun burnt.

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Monday 14 May 2012


Spending a quiet afternoon with friends. We will be knitting and crocheting and running around after Claudia.  The friends I am spending time with I knew in high school. We had not seen each other in more then 10 years just after high school. We got back in touch through facebook a few years ago and have re-become best friends.  Now that I have Claudia the saying it takes a village to raise a child is so true.  I get help from my parents, friends and sometimes my aunts. I feel very lucky.
Dawn, Me and Laurie.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Crocheting and Claudia...

Had to rip out the Neck pillow I was working on for my mom.  One side was all wonky. I am hoping to start again sometime this weekend.  I started another one that will be for my dad. I will post pictures soon.
My little girl Claudia is always wanting to help me knit and or crochet.  I got her a set of knitting needles all her own that she does not want to use while I am knitting. She always wants to be working on what I am working on.  :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Squares and pillow.

This is how far I am on Mom's neck pillow.

Some of the squares for a blanket.

A granny square I plan to use as art on my wall.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


This will be a blog about my life with my little girl Claudia, the crafts I do and the other stuff I stumble across.  Here is a picture of a work in progress, it will be a neck pillow for my mom for Christmas.  It is the first project that I am crocheting that is not a granny square.