Friday 1 June 2012


Muno half done.
I was looking up patterns on a crafting website called Ravelry, I came across a pattern of Muno. My daughter pointed to it and said "my muno."  I asked her if she wanted a muno and she said yes. I saved the pattern thinking I would make it for her birthday or Christmas. The next day she comes to me and asks "My Muno??" She wanted the muno sooner then later, so I started it for her.  I got half way through it before she started asking for it again.   I got the legs done and stuffed the next day and she started carting it she gave it up long enough for  me to put the eye and mouth on it.  She fell asleep with it last night.  I got the arms done today and stuffed them and attached them.  She came up to me at some point today and told me she liked her Muno and that she loves me for making it for her.