Monday 21 May 2012

Sun burnt!!!!

Went and spent the afternoon at the lake. My boyfriend Charlie put Claudia in the wagon and walked down to the lake. We brought a lunch with us. It was an enjoyable afternoon. We all got sun burnt.

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Monday 14 May 2012


Spending a quiet afternoon with friends. We will be knitting and crocheting and running around after Claudia.  The friends I am spending time with I knew in high school. We had not seen each other in more then 10 years just after high school. We got back in touch through facebook a few years ago and have re-become best friends.  Now that I have Claudia the saying it takes a village to raise a child is so true.  I get help from my parents, friends and sometimes my aunts. I feel very lucky.
Dawn, Me and Laurie.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Crocheting and Claudia...

Had to rip out the Neck pillow I was working on for my mom.  One side was all wonky. I am hoping to start again sometime this weekend.  I started another one that will be for my dad. I will post pictures soon.
My little girl Claudia is always wanting to help me knit and or crochet.  I got her a set of knitting needles all her own that she does not want to use while I am knitting. She always wants to be working on what I am working on.  :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Squares and pillow.

This is how far I am on Mom's neck pillow.

Some of the squares for a blanket.

A granny square I plan to use as art on my wall.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


This will be a blog about my life with my little girl Claudia, the crafts I do and the other stuff I stumble across.  Here is a picture of a work in progress, it will be a neck pillow for my mom for Christmas.  It is the first project that I am crocheting that is not a granny square.