Sunday 28 October 2012


We went to pumpkinville last Saturday. It was kinda cheese for Charlie and I, but Claudia  She got a fire woman hat and got to sit in a firetruck.

We sat through part of a Shreck show.

And we went on a horse drawn wagon ride

Claudia got a doggy balloon before going on the wagon.  It started getting cold so we headed home after this.

Thursday 18 October 2012


Some knitting works in progress, and a finished object or four.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Loong time, no post...

It has been a long while since I last posted.  My computer crashed and my brother has had it for the last 4 months.  I find it hard to use my phone to blog so I haven't posted.

Hard to believe Claudia is getting so big.  She turned 3 on the 30th of September.  Where did the time go.  It feels like I just brought  her home from the hospital.